
今天开始了 MAUI 应用的实际开发,从界面开始,第一个页面大致有了点样子,开心。接下来就是参照一些示例,来定义好 Models,并引入 MVVM 框架来完成基本的操作。下午把 Survey Form 给支持上了。



A WATERCOLOR painting of a family living room in the evening. The father sits on a sofa, chatting with his daughter, Hamer, who is excitedly packing snacks for a mountain hike. Nearby, the mother, Xiaoyan, rests with a warm compress on her right eye. On a table, there's a shopping bag filled with bread and other groceries. Through a window, a picturesque mountain can be seen, symbolizing the next day's adventure.