
今天把 Survey 集成的 Demo 做完了,在大家的帮助下,目前来说可以告一段落了,演示完就等着后续的安排。



Photo of a man who has regained his upright posture after a period of discomfort, reflecting on his day. He had successfully completed a Survey integration demo with the support of his colleagues and looks forward to future plans. Later at home, his wife's sister joins them for a dinner meticulously prepared by his wife, followed by refreshments of strawberry and orange juice made by his daughter. The family spends quality time watching a Korean drama, enveloping the room in a cozy, familial atmosphere. His daughter plays with a cardholder, using it as an ID for her playful dreams of future professions. The next day promises a new adventure as he prepares to take his daughter to apply for a travel document, an exciting step towards her growing independence, all depicted in a scene filled with domestic joy and parental pride.
A photo capturing the lively scene of a 5-year-old girl gleefully proclaiming 'I am an engineer' and 'I want to be a designer when I grow up' using her parent's ID badge holder as a pretend work badge. She's in a brightly lit, cozy living room, surrounded by family members who are watching her with amusement. The girl has short hair, a big smile, and wears a colorful dress. On a nearby table, there's a blend of strawberry and orange juices that she made, and in the background, a Korean drama plays softly on the television.
The second image is an illustration of a 5-year-old girl lying on a bed with her parents early in the morning, excitedly discussing her upcoming trip to get a travel document. The room is warmly lit by the morning sun, casting a soft glow on the family. The girl, with short hair and wearing pajamas, has an expression of pure joy, while her parents look on with loving smiles. They are of diverse descent: the father is East Asian with glasses, and the mother is also East Asian with delicate features.