今天哈妹最开心的事情是「遇见」了梵高,没有最不开心的事情。当哈妹问我最开心的事情时,我想了想说「好像没有什么让我觉得特别高兴的事情」,小眼刚好回来了,她便补充道「这就是成人的世界,没有什么高兴的事情,而孩子呢是没有什么不开心的事情」。最后,我想了想,还是决定将最高兴的事情给到了 1-on-1。



今天工作内容主要是解决 Code Freeze 的一些 Bug。

今天比较有意思的两个内容是 How does the Raycast CEO use Raycast?papi酱 - 盼望着,盼望着,双11的歌声近了👂

A 5-year-old East Asian girl with a joyful expression holding a large, impressionistic paintbrush as if she's just met Van Gogh, surrounded by vibrant sunflowers. There's no sign of sadness, just pure wonder. In the background, a 32-year-old East Asian woman is arriving, suggesting the complex world of adulthood with a neutral expression, implying a lack of notable happiness. Nearby, a message in the air reads, "This is the adult world, no happy thing," contrasting the child's innocent happiness. The setting is an art classroom with drawings of leaves on the walls, reflecting the girl's desire to paint with her classmates. Style: Whimsical. - by DALL·E 3