
上午开会,下午花了比较多的时间提 Track 播放的 bug。晚上带哈妹跳舞,结束带她去买明天幼儿园外出的好吃的。今天没有在外面吃饭,因为哈妹还是想早点回来赶在9点前看 iPad。


今天尝试了 OpenAI TTS,借助 ChatGPT 完成了一个简单的 Python 脚本,可以和之前一样将我的博客文本生成语音,但有更好的效果。

OpenAI TTS, onyx voice
macOS Builtin TTS, Eddy voice
In a whimsical style, the image depicts a heartwarming scene in a pediatrician's office. A young girl, about 5 years old with short black hair and wearing a pink t-shirt, is sitting on the examination table. Her shoulder is exposed, ready for a vaccination. She looks up at the doctor, a middle-aged woman with brown hair in a white coat, asking her to be gentle. The doctor smiles reassuringly as she administers the vaccine. Nearby, a man in his early 30s, wearing glasses and a blue shirt, watches with surprise and admiration, as his daughter shows no reaction to the shot. He playfully pretends to cry, making the girl laugh. The room is bright and colorful, filled with toys and cheerful decorations, creating a lighthearted, whimsical atmosphere.

在将博客内容翻译并出图时,貌似遇上了 ChatGPT 被攻击?在快完成任务时,一直在给我输出 Y0XQKgyou're too shy

ChatGPT in attack?