今天时间基本都扑在 MAUI app 的开发上,早上早早到公司,都忘记带早饭上去了,那也作罢,喝杯牛奶加咖啡先。中间去了趟医院继续补牙,然后再回公司继续,中午到一点多半去劳森买了份饭,然后晚上等着小眼一起回家。

今天主要是改写了 RelayCommand,尝试了 IPopupService 和 Messeages。图片展示的功能基本完成了,明天开始处理资源相关的内容,然后再来调试 Windows 外的平台。

OpenAI TTS, echo voice
A bustling day in the life of a software developer. The scene starts with an early morning office setting, a desk with a cup of coffee and milk, symbolizing a forgotten breakfast. Transition to a brief dental office visit, followed by a return to a busy workspace. A midday scene depicts a solitary lunch from Lawson. The day concludes with a peaceful evening atmosphere, awaiting a companion's arrival to head home together. The overall mood is industrious and focused, with a hint of personal life intermingled. Art style: Cubism.