
白天主要是在尝试 AI 应用的实现,除了 AI 的部分,语音和地理编码等方面的架子基本都搭好了,下周应该能出一个可用的原型。

晚上和小眼一起走回家,她一开始以为我有骑电动车来,所有就来三元桥找我了。段姐姐今天出院了,恢复的还挺好。晚上带着哈妹练习舞蹈,感觉她不大认真,我有点儿**(找不到合适的词),练习完后,哈妹想看iPad,刚打开 YouTube Kids,九点的闹铃就响了,她又不能看了,伤心,但我没能去安慰她,因为我依旧感觉心情不快。

OpenAI TTS, fable voice
A day encapsulating personal struggles and professional achievements. The morning scene shows a parent and child on their way to school amidst minor tensions. The workday is focused on AI application development, indicating progress and technical engagement. The evening returns to family dynamics, with a walk home, a child's dance practice, and the emotional nuances of parenting. The day's mood shifts from personal frustrations to professional satisfaction and back to the complexities of family life. Art style: Impressionism.