
我今天一天还是在 AI 应用的开发上,测试了一下本地的 LlaMA 模型,效果如何暂不提,速度是够慢的,还是转向了在线的 OpenAI 服务。在实验过程中,遇到了最关键的命名实体识别问题,除了传统的 NLP 方法外,如何应用大语言模型也是接下来的重点。另外,对文本进行词性标注的可视化也是一个很有意思的话题呢,等主体功能做完了也想去尝试一下。


OpenAI TTS, onyx voice
A day marked by early school moments, intensive AI application development, and a serene family evening walk. The morning scene at school with friends, a focused work environment grappling with AI models and technical challenges, and a heartwarming evening scene of a family reunion after work. The day transitions from the joy of early achievements to the complexities of technological exploration, culminating in familial togetherness. Art style: Contemporary.