
我今天主要是尝试了 spaCy 的命名实体识别,然后又研究并尝试了通过大语言模型来进行位置的命名实体识别。目前来看,大语言模型的效果还可以,接下来就是考虑一下整体的逻辑并针对不同的任务设计不同的提示词了。


OpenAI TTS, shimmer voice
The image has been created in the Modern art style, depicting a day that encompasses discipline, technological exploration, and family warmth. It captures a morning routine for school, a work environment focused on advanced AI and named entity recognition, and concludes with a light-hearted family moment, symbolized by Xiao Yan’s return with a surprise gift for Hamer. This scene eloquently captures the joy and anticipation of familial bonds and the simple pleasures of life. Please have a look at the image above.