
早上的上班路上时,还在想说早上做啥中午做啥,但现在回过头来,想做的事情一件没做。今天花了一些时间在高优先级问题的讨论上,看看如何处理比较合适。然后是研究混合开发了,主要是以 MAUI 和 Blazor 为主,其中 MauiHybridWebView 项目让我很开心,因为这就是我想要的,另外也学习了一下 Build a mobile and desktop app with Blazor Hybrid and .NET MAUI



OpenAI TTS, shimmer voice
A morning walk to kindergarten with the discovery of a cute pig figure, a day of work with discussions on high-priority issues and research on MAUI and Blazor, including the MauiHybridWebView project. A lunchtime frisbee session in the snowy weather, and an evening dance class for a child, where a former classmate joins. The scene is depicted in a style focusing on the blend of personal, professional, and family life.