
早上和小眼一起去医院做检查,体检和投保相关。上午在想着如何做哈妹幼儿园上学的视频,问了问 Bard 和 Claude,现在不能用 ChatGPT 变开始尝试其他的应用。中午去出入境大厅取哈妹的港澳通行证,排队等着取证的人好多。下午解决了一个 Symbology 的 bug,之前的 KML 保存的 PR 没来得及更新。和同事讨论 AI 的事情,借此多聊了聊产品和组内的情况,越聊越多,最后匆匆收拾东西去打羽毛球,晚了将近一个小时。


A bustling office on the eve of the Lunar New Year. Boxes are piled high, papers are scattered on desks, and people are hurrying to finish their tasks. In the corner, two colleagues converse animatedly about AI, their faces lit up with the excitement of the discussion. Meanwhile, another person types diligently on their laptop, trying to solve a programming bug. The scene is a mix of focused work, joyful anticipation, and the underlying rush to get ready for the holidays. Style: Realistic, dynamic, slightly chaotic, capturing the atmosphere of a busy workplace