上午依旧早早到公司,练习了一下 Speak 继续做新功能,今天又有了点儿突破,但不多,明天继续。

早上送哈妹上学,中午和 Xixi 打飞盘,傍晚打了半个小时篮球便带哈妹去跳舞,晚上一起在外面吃饭。跳完舞跟哈妹聊了聊新的舞蹈课的事情,我也跟哈妹说了是我问的 Pi,也不知有没有表达到位。


Illustrate a narrative that weaves through the complexities and simplicities of daily life, rendered in abstract art style. Begin with the early morning resolve at the office, making incremental progress on a technical project. Transition to vibrant, joyful moments of connection with loved ones and personal hobbies - a playful frisbee game under the midday sun, the dynamic movements of basketball as shadows lengthen, and the expressive freedom of dance in the evening. Culminate in intimate conversations over dinner, where efforts to communicate about upcoming plans and personal thoughts blend into the fabric of family life. The abstract art style should capture the emotional landscape of these experiences, using bold colors, sweeping gestures, and symbolic forms to convey the day's rhythm, from focused determination to the warmth of familial bonds and the challenges of understanding and being understood.